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Kill Entity Experience Source

Experience Source puffish_skills:kill_entity gives experience when player kills entity.

This Experience Source uses Variables and Calculation.


Get Player

Operation get_player returns minecraft:player prototype.

Get Weapon Item Stack

Operation get_weapon_item_stack returns minecraft:item_stack prototype.

Get Killed Living Entity

Operation get_killed_living_entity returns minecraft:living_entity prototype.

Get Damage Source

Operation get_damage_source returns minecraft:damage_source prototype.

Get Dropped Experience

Operation get_dropped_experience returns puffish_skills:number prototype which represents the amount of dropped experience.


The following experience calculates experience based on both experience dropped by the killed entity, and it's max health. This experience source is also limited to maximum 15 kills during the time of 300 seconds.

Click to view
	"type": "puffish_skills:kill_entity",
	"data": {
		"variables": {
			"dropped_xp": {
				"operations": [
						"type": "get_dropped_experience"
			"max_health": {
				"operations": [
						"type": "get_killed_living_entity"
						"type": "get_max_health"
		"experience": [
				"expression": "dropped_xp + max_health / 20"
		"anti_farming": {
			"limit_per_chunk": 15,
			"reset_after_seconds": 300

The following experience gives respectively 200 and 600 experience for killing Wither and Dragon.

Click to view
	"type": "puffish_skills:kill_entity",
	"data": {
		"variables": {
			"is_wither_boss": {
				"operations": [
						"type": "get_killed_living_entity"
						"type": "get_type"
						"type": "puffish_skills:test",
						"data": {
							"entity": "minecraft:wither"
			"is_dragon_boss": {
				"operations": [
						"type": "get_killed_living_entity"
						"type": "get_type"
						"type": "puffish_skills:test",
						"data": {
							"entity": "minecraft:ender_dragon"
		"experience": [
				"condition": "is_wither_boss",
				"expression": "200"
				"condition": "is_dragon_boss",
				"expression": "600"

JSON Structure:

source_data object when type is kill_entity:

anti_farmingAn anti_farming object.

This experience source uses calculations. Read more about them here.

anti_farming object:

limit_per_chunkAn integer. Defines how many mobs can be killed per chunk. When the limit is hit player gain no experience in that chunk.
reset_after_secondsAn integer. Defines the time after which limit should be reset.